Editorial Review Aquila are manufacturers of fine gut and synthetic musical instrument strings. We are not only a string-maker but also known scholar for historical set up both for plucked and bow instruments of Renaissance, Baroque and Classical period. Its commitment extends not only to the reconstruction of the set-up of the different ages but also in the efforts to safeguard the technology of the past string making technology, which is next to disappear, by means to specific initiatives of pressure at national level and to European Parliament
Features 1) New Nylgut series strings 2) Set of 4 soprano ukulele strings; 0.65mm, 0.92mm, 0.77mm, and 0.60mm 3) Standard tuning - GCEA 4) Strong, consistent sound; Aquila strings produces a better sound than nylon and is not so metallic 5) Made of Nylgut, a special synthetic material that has the same specific weight as regular gut strings