POSEAGLE Metal 494406 Fuel Tank and 795477 Carburetor Kit Replaces 498809 498809A 498811 494407 494775 497619 699660 794161 795469, Briggs and Stratton Fuel Tank, Briggs and Stratton Carburetor

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₹ 5700/-

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Product Information

BulletPoint : 6 month warranty
BulletPoint1 : 494406 Fuel Tank Replaces Compatible with Briggs and Stratton 494406 Fuel Tank, Briggs and Stratton Fuel Tank 494406, Briggs and Stratton Gas Tank 494406, Briggs Stratton 494406 Fuel Tank, Briggs Stratton 494406 Fuel Tank, Briggs and Stratton Fuel Tank, 5hp Briggs and Stratton Gas Tank, Lawn Mower Gas Tank;
BulletPoint2 : 795477 Carburetor Kit Replaces for 795477, 498809, 498811, 494407, 494775, 497619, BS-498809, 699660, 794147, 794161, 795469; Also Replaces for Briggs Stratton Carburetor 795477, Briggs and Stratton 795477 Briggs and Stratton Carburetor, Briggs and Stratton 795477 Carburetor kit, Briggs and Stratton Carburetor, 795477 Carburetor and Fuel Tank, Briggs Push Mower Carb, Briggs and Stratton Carburetor Tank, Briggs and Stratton tune up kit;
BulletPoint3 : Air filter Replaces for 698369 Briggs and Stratton Air Filter, Spring Replaces # 698719 governor spring, 691859 692211, Gasket and Diaphragm Replaces for Briggs Stratton 795083 Carburetor Diaphragm, Briggs and Stratton 795083, 281028, 272372, Briggs and Stratton 495770;
BulletPoint4 : Fits for Briggs and Stratton 9B900 9C900 9D900 9E900 9F900 9G900 9H900 9J900 9K900 9L900 9M900 9S500 9T500 9T700 9T800 10E900 10F900 10A902 Seris Engine; Also Fits for Toro Mower Models : 16410 16411 20180 20181 20181WF 20182 20431 20432;
BulletPoint5 : This is Prime Quality Aftermarket Product, This Fuel Tank is made of Metal Material, POSEAGLE product will Meet or Exceed OEM Standard, 100% Tested before Sending out, please check the picture, size, and OEM for compatibility before you buy it ; Reliable After-sales service, Please don't hesitate to contact us if there is any question, we will reply within 24 hours and help solve your problem .
Color : Metal Fuel Tank Kit with Carburetor
CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging
ExteriorFinish : Painted
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 7437101598571
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0029349025017
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 029349025017
FuelType : Gasoline
Hazmat10 : DE_Unregulated
Hazmat11 : EG_Unregulated
Hazmat12 : ES_Unregulated
Hazmat13 : FR_Unregulated
Hazmat14 : GB_Unregulated
Hazmat15 : IN_Unregulated
Hazmat16 : IT_Unregulated
Hazmat17 : JP_Unregulated
Hazmat18 : MX_Unregulated
Hazmat19 : NL_Unregulated
Hazmat2 : UN3363
Hazmat20 : PL_Unregulated
Hazmat21 : SA_Unregulated
Hazmat22 : SE_Unregulated
Hazmat23 : SG_Unregulated
Hazmat24 : TR_Unregulated
Hazmat25 : US_Unregulated
Hazmat26 : ZA_Unregulated
Hazmat3 : 9
Hazmat4 : AE_Unregulated
Hazmat5 : AU_Unregulated
Hazmat6 : BE_Unregulated
Hazmat7 : BR_Unregulated
Hazmat8 : CA_Unregulated
Hazmat9 : CN_Unregulated
ItemDisplayDimensions_Length : 10 inches
ItemDisplayWeight : 3 pounds
ItemName : POSEAGLE Metal 494406 Fuel Tank and 795477 Carburetor Kit Replaces 498809 498809A 498811 494407 494775 497619 699660 794161 795469, Briggs and Stratton Fuel Tank, Briggs and Stratton Carburetor
ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 21.0058 centimeters
ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 11.2014 centimeters
ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 14.097 centimeters
ItemPackageQuantity : 1
ItemTypeKeyword : lawn-mower-tune-up-kits
Manufacturer : POSEAGLE
Material : Metal
Material1 : Plastic
Material2 : Brass
ModelName : Carburetor for Lawn Mower
ModelNumber : Carburetor for Lawn Mower
NumberOfItems : 8
PartNumber : 02-065-2
ProductDescription : Replaces briggs and stratton carburetor briggs and stratton fuel tank carbhub 494406 fuel tank 795477 briggs and stratton carburetor 795477 carburetor carbhub 494406 fuel tank and 795477 795477 494406 fuel tank briggs and stratton gas tank fuel gas tank and carburetor assembly fits for briggs and liyyoo 795477 carburetor 494406 motofoal 795477 carburetor briggs and stratton 494406 498809 briggs stratton 795477 carburetor briggs and stratton tune up kit 5hp briggs and stratton gas tank briggs and stratton 795477 briggs push mower carb 795477 carburetor and fuel tank briggs and stratton fuel tank 494406 498809 carburetor briggs stratton 795083 carburetor diaphragm briggs and stratton 795477 carburetor briggs 795477 briggs and stratton plastic carburetor briggs and stratton carburetor tank briggs carburetor briggs stratton 795083 briggs and stratton 795477 carburetor kit 699660 fuel tank 494406 494406 carburetor 499809 498809a 494406 briggs and stratton lawn mower gas tank carburetor 494406 briggs and stratton carburetor with fuel tank gas tank and carburetor briggs 5hp briggs and stratton carb 795477 briggs and stratton carburetor 795477 briggs and stratton carburetor 494406 briggs stratton 494406 briggs and stratton 3hp carburetor briggs stratton 494406 fuel tank briggs and stratton 500 series parts briggs and stratton gas tank replacement 5hp briggs and stratton carburetor fuel tank plastic briggs carb briggs and stratton gas tank replacement briggs and stratton carburetor 494775 briggs and stratton 498809 494406 tank briggs and stratton carburetor 498809 briggs and stratton 3hp gas tank briggs and stratton 499809 694315 fuel tank briggs stratton briggs carb briggs and stratton 5.5 hp gas tank briggs and stratton 494406 fuel tank 10a902 carburetor kit briggs and stratton carburetor and fuel tank 499809 briggs and stratton 795083 briggs stratton 795477 carburetor for briggs and stratton with gas tank briggs stratton fuel tank briggs and stratton gas tank and carburetor briggs gas tank carb 498809 carburetor carb fit for briggs & stratton 4 hp briggs and stratton gas tank briggs and stratton 499809 498809a 494406 briggs & stratton 795083 carburetor diaphragm briggs and stratton 500 series 158cc parts briggs and stratton mower gas tank briggs and stratton plastic carb briggs & stratton 795477 briggs & stratton 494406 3.5 briggs and stratton gas tank fuel tank for briggs and stratton engine briggs and stratton 495770 briggs & stratton classic carb 498809 carb 795477 briggs 494775 carb poseagle 494406 fuel tank with 795477 carburetor briggs & stratton 795469 gasket diaphragm for 795469 briggs & stratton 795477 carburetor briggs and stratton 5.50 fuel tank briggs 500 series carburetor briggs & stratton 498809 briggs and stratton 300 series fuel tank briggs and stratton fuel tank 795473 fuel tank briggs and stratton briggs and stratton push mower tune up kit briggs and stratton 277301 gas tank bs-794161 briggs 3.5 carb gas tank briggs and stratton gas tank carb carburetor kit for briggs & stratton 795477 3.5hp briggs and stratton fuel tank briggs & stratton 1103225494430 gas tank briggs and stratton gas tanks briggs and stratton 450 series fuel tank only briggs & stratton part # 795477 498809 494406 fuel tank 795477 carburetor briggs and stratton 500 series parts model 278046 briggs stratton gas tank kit 498809 carburetor with 494406 fuel tank briggs 4hp carb tune up kit for briggs & stratton 4hp briggs stratton 3hp tank carb 795477+carburetor briggs and stratton fuel tank and carb briggs and stratton carburetor with tank fuel tank for briggs stratton engine part #494406 briggs & stratton 498809a briggs and stratton carb with fuel tank briggs & stratton metal gas tank with carb briggs and stratton fuel tank 276033 277305 briggs and stratton gas tank briggs and stratton carb 494407 briggs & stratton carburetor and gas tank 99l602 briggs and stratton 450e fuel tank briggs and stratton 3.5 lawn mower gas tank briggs stratton 3.5 gas tank briggs and stratton 550 series 158cc gas tank briggs & stratton 6 hp gas tank assy 276002 briggs and stratton fuel tank briggs and stratton push mower tank briggs and stratton 550 series carb and tank briggs and stratton carburetor 500 series briggs & stratton carb & tanks 494406 gas tank carburetor+for+briggs+and+stratton 498809a 498809 497619 494406 briggs 499809 3.75 hp briggs and stratton tank and carb briggs and stratton 794161 stratton 499809 fuel tank for briggs and stratton 3.5 briggs & stratton 499809 briggs and stratton air filter 698369 craftsman 494406 tank carburetor briggs 795477 498809 carb 276033 briggs & stratton mower gas tank fuel tank for lawn mower briggs and stratton briggs and stratton carburetor and metal fuel tank briggs and stratton gas tank 278636 4 hp briggs plastic carb b&s 795477 briggs and stratton 500 series tank and carb 494406 fuel tank and 795477 carburetor for briggs & stratton 498809 498809a with e briggs & stratton 158cc gas tank craftsman briggs stratton fuel tank briggs and stratton 4hp commercial carb tank briggs and stratton part 498809 b&s carburetor b&s fuel tank briggs & stratton 500 series gas tank briggs and stratton fuel tank 3.5 hp briggs & stratton part number 494406 briggs and stratton parts gas tank 494406 3.5 hp briggs carb and tank tank and carb for push mower briggs and stratton weed eater plastic carb briggs and stratton fuel tank with carburetor gas tank 499809 carburetors for push lawn mowers briggs and stratton 3.5 hp tune up kit briggs and stratton carburetor 494407 494406 fuel tank kit metal briggs and stratton carburetor for a 500 series briggs and stratton 500 briggs and stratton 500 series carburetor kit carb kit for briggs and stratton carb briggs and stratton 4.5 up kit briggs and stratton 500 series gasket kit plastic lawn mower gas tank 795476 briggs and stratton carburetor with/ fuel tank carburetor and fuel tank for lawn mower carburetor for briggs 500 series briggs plastic carb;
ProductGrade : Replacement Part
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-06-21T04:26:49.638Z
Style : Pressure Washer
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable
UnitCount : 1

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