Specification Brand : Yanecty BulletPoint1 : Application: applicable to FX-889, FX-888D, FX-888 welding station FX-8801, FX-600 soldering iron BulletPoint2 : Model: There are 11 different specifications, T18-BL T18-B T18-BR02 T18-D16 T18-D32 T18-S3 T18-I T18-C3 T18-C4 T18-K 18-D08 to meet your different welding needs BulletPoint3 : Process: adopt the production process of electroplating for 72 hours, which is not easy to oxidize; Multilayer electroplating and smooth tin deposition BulletPoint4 : Material: refined oxygen-free copper material with strong thermal conductivity and long service life BulletPoint5 : Choose Yannecty: can provide you with excellent welding experience. If you have any questions, you can email us and we will reply in time ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 371334087693 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0371334087693 IncludedComponents : Metal ItemName : Yanecty T18 Series Soldering Iron Tips are Applicable to FX-889 FX-888D FX-888 FX-8801 FX-600 (11) ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 11.6078 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 0.9906 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 7.6962 centimeters ItemTypeKeyword : soldering-iron-tips Manufacturer : Yanecty Material : copper ModelName : YAN-03 ModelNumber : YAN-03 NumberOfBoxes : 1 NumberOfItems : 11 PartNumber : T18 PowerSourceType : hand_powered ProductDescription : T18 replaceable soldering head kit is applicable to FX-889, FX-888D, FX-888 , FX-600and FX-8801, with 11 different shapes and sizes to meet various welding requirements ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-02-09T02:14:22.283Z SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable UnitCount : 11