Specification Brand : WeldingCity BulletPoint1 : Premium quality water and gas hoses for water-cooled TIG welding torch 18-series (350-amp) and 20-series (250-amp). BulletPoint2 : For 250-amp water-cooled 20-series torch (WP-20/SR-20, etc.): PU-tubing water hose 12.5-ft (45V07) and 25-ft (45V08) with 5/8-18 LH (left hand) male fitting; PU-tubing gas hose 12.5-ft (45V09) and 25-ft (45V10) with 5/8-18 RH (right hand) male fitting. BulletPoint3 : For 350-amp water-cooled 18-series torch (WP-18/SR-18 etc.): PU-tubing water hose with fabric sleeve 12.5-ft (40V74) and 25-ft (41V32) with 5/8-18 LH (left hand) male fitting; PU-tubing gas hose with fabric sleeve 12.5-ft (40V75) and 25-ft (41V30) with 5/8-18 RH (right hand) male fitting. BulletPoint4 : Compatible with many brands TIG welders from Lincoln, Miller, ESAB, Everlast, Eastwood, AHP, etc. for 18 series and 20 series torches. BulletPoint5 : US-based welding and hardware supplier. Strong technical support with experienced customer service to address buyer's any question. ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0608729701064 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 608729701064 ItemDisplayWeight : 8 ounces ItemName : WeldingCity Gas Hose 45V10 25 ft (7.6m) for Water-Cooled TIG Welding Torch 20 and 25-series ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 2 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 12 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 12 inches ItemTypeKeyword : tig-welding-equipment Manufacturer : WeldingCity.com Material : Polyurethane (PU) PartNumber : CVI45V10-1PK ProductDescription : Premium quality water and gas hoses for water-cooled TIG welding torch 18-series (350-amp) and 20-series (250-amp). For 250-amp water-cooled 20-series torch (WP-20/SR-20, etc.): PU-tubing water hose 12.5-ft (45V07) and 25-ft (45V08) with 5/8-18 LH (left hand) male fitting; PU-tubing gas hose 12.5-ft (45V09) and 25-ft (45V10) with 5/8-18 RH (right hand) male fitting. For 350-amp water-cooled 18-series torch (WP-18/SR-18 etc.): PU-tubing water hose with fabric sleeve 12.5-ft (40V74) and 25-ft (41V32) with 5/8-18 LH (left hand) male fitting; PU-tubing gas hose with fabric sleeve 12.5-ft (40V75) and 25-ft (41V30) with 5/8-18 RH (right hand) male fitting. Compatible with many brands TIG welders from Lincoln, Miller, ESAB, Everlast, Eastwood, AHP, etc. for 18 series and 20 series torches. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2013-07-19T20:52:11.743Z Size : Torch 20 Gas Hose 25-ft 45V10 UnitCount : 1 UnspscCode : 40142000