Specification Brand : WeldingCity BulletPoint1 : Premium quality 125-amp air-cooled complete TIG welding torch package with 12.5-ft and 25-ft 1-piece rubber power cable for use with most mainstream TIG welders. Shipped as un-assembled. BulletPoint2 : 12-pcs torch package includes: 125-amp air-cooled WP-9 series torch body with handle, 1-piece type EPDM rubber power cable hose 57Y01R (12.5-ft) or 57Y03R (25-ft), Nylon cable cover with zipper; cable adapter 105Z57 and accessory kit (1/16" and 3/32" collets, collet bodies, ceramic cups and back caps). BulletPoint3 : Available torch bodies: WP-9 (regular), WP-9F (flexible head), WP-9V (head with gas valve) and WP-9FV (flexible head with gas valve). Designed for long lasting service. BulletPoint4 : 125-amp air-cooled TIG torch is excellent for TIG welding on thin gauge materials. Ideal replacement for most mainstream welders. See all listed pictures for torch parts and rear plug. CHECK YOUR TIG WELDER FOR MATCHING. BulletPoint5 : U.S. based welding and hardware supplier. Strong technical support with experienced customer service to address buyer's any question. ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 608729698432 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0608729698432 ItemDisplayDimensions_Height : 3 inches ItemDisplayDimensions_Length : 15 inches ItemDisplayDimensions_Width : 12 inches ItemDisplayWeight : 5 pounds ItemName : WeldingCity 125-amp WP-9 Air-cooled TIG Welding Torch Complete Package with 25-ft Power Cable Hose and Adapter 105Z57 ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 2 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 12 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 12 inches ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : tig-welding-equipment Manufacturer : WeldingCity.com Material : Copper/Rubber ModelNumber : WP17 PartNumber : TIGWP-HR925 ProductDescription : TIG Torch Model: one-piece cable WP-9 | Current Rating: 125-amp air-cooled| Torch Head Type: Regular (WP-9), Flexible (WP-9F), Gas Valve (WP-9V), Flexible with Gas Valve (WP-9FV) | Power Cable Length: 12.5-ft/25-ft | Cable Adapter: 105Z57. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2012-04-06T22:13:09-00:00 Size : WP-9, 25-ft SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable