Specification Brand : Fronius BulletPoint1 : TIG Torch/Electrode Cable/Ground Strap: 13 ft BulletPoint2 : Welding current / Duty cycle [10min/40°C]: 180A / 40% BulletPoint3 : Operating voltage: 20.4V - 27.2V BulletPoint4 : Open-circuit voltage: 101,0 V BulletPoint5 : Mains fuse: 16A / 20A ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0095225062766 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 095225062766 ItemName : Fronius Transpocket 180 TIG/STICK ItemTypeKeyword : tig-welding-equipment Manufacturer : Fronius Material : Polymer ModelNumber : COR 100-W-6 PartNumber : 4075213631 ProductDescription : The TIG series of the TransPocket is available in the 150 to 350 A power categories. Thanks to their additional functions, they make work easier for the user: with the TIG Comfort Stop, it is possible to prevent annoying arc breaks at the end of welding. The TIG pulsed-arc function ensures better control of the weld pool during out-of-position welding and when bridging gaps. A gas-test function has also been provided. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2019-05-20T07:00:00.000Z UnitCount : 1200