Specification AgeRangeDescription : Adult BaseType : Heavy Duty Steel Square Base Brand : JIUYE BulletPoint1 : ✅Commercially Rated: If you're a small business owner like us, you want the clearest and most visible sign display for your customers. Our 8.5 x 11 Acrylic BulletPoint2 : ✅Easy Installation: Finally, a plastic sign holder that stays securely fastened in place, no drilling needed! Designed with adhesive strips, simply peel and stick your plastic frame to the wall and slide in your document. BulletPoint3 : ✅Versatile Options: Available in a pack of 6, 12, or even 24 high quality acrylic sign holders, our letter sized clear sign holders 8.5 x 11 can be hung either vertically or horizontally. BulletPoint4 : ✅Crystal Clear Visibility: Remove the protective film before mounting your clear sign holder, and make your announcements stand out and shine, scratch free! BulletPoint5 : ✅Sleek and Slim Design: Means no clunky acrylic frames; lightweight means it won't fall down! Show off your event, certificate, artwork, poster, or menu with confidence, knowing your sign will be appreciated! Color : Black CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 00194634143414 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 602262946166 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0602262946166 FinishType : Premium Black Steel Base IsAssemblyRequired : 1 ItemDisplayDimensions_Height : 7 millimeters ItemDisplayWeight : 81 grams ItemName : JIUYE Magnetic Sign Holder 11x17 Wall Mount,Self Adhesive Magnetic Paper Holder,Plastic Window Double Sided Display Frame for Tabloid Size Poster Sign Document at Store School Office,5Pcs ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 47.2948 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 1.905 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 37.0078 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 6 ItemShape : Rectangular ItemTypeKeyword : business-and-store-sign-holders Manufacturer : JIUYE-Magnetic Material : Acrylic ModelNumber : 811SB-T-Sign MountingType : Wall Mount NumberOfBoxes : 1 NumberOfItems : 5 NumberOfPieces : 1 OccasionType1 : Christmas OccasionType2 : Graduation OccasionType3 : Halloween OccasionType4 : New Year Orientation : Vertical PackageLevel : unit PaintType : Specialty PartNumber : AcrylicVeritalP Pattern : Horizontal ProductDescription : acrylic frame 8.5 x 11, 8x11 acrylic sign holder, plexiglass sign holder 8.5x11, 8 8 1/2 x 11 acrylic sign holder, acrylic sign stand, clear frames 8.5 x 11, acrylic sign holder 8.5 x 11 , acrylic 8.5x11 sign holder. horizontal acrylic sign holder 8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 11 sign holder, plastic holders for display 8.5 x 11, sign stands for display 8.5 x 11, clear plastic paper holder, plastic sign holders, plastic sign holder 8.5 x 11 wall mount, acrylic wall sign holder, paper display, acrylic sign holders 8.5 x 11, plastic frames for display, plastic paper display stand 8x11, 8.5 x 11 acrylic sign holders, clear plastic stand up paper display 8.5x11, paper sign holder, acrylic sign holder niubee lucite frames 8.5 x 11 niubee acrylic sign holder 8.5 x 11 clear acrylic sign, ehwine 10 pack acrylic sign holder 8.5 x 11 clear acrylic sign holder plexi sign holder 8.5 x 11, acrylic holders for display 8.5 x 11, acrylic frames 8.5 x 11, Office Solutions Direct wall mount sign holders transparent ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2019-07-23T16:18:53.951Z RoomType : Kitchen,Office Size : 11"x17" 5Pcs Style : Double Sided SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation1 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation2 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation3 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation4 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation5 : not_applicable TargetAudience : Adult TargetGender : unisex Theme : Christmas UnitCount : 5 UnspscCode : 60121400 WallArtForm : poster