Specification Brand : Washington Alloy Co. BulletPoint1 : All-position, Flux coated BulletPoint2 : 70,000 lbs Tensile Strength BulletPoint3 : 5 Lb Package BulletPoint4 : AC or DC (straight or reverse polarity) may be used BulletPoint5 : Compatible WB13K10014 Electrode for Part Number WB13K10014, AP3779012, 1085568, AH952858, EA952858, PS952858 Color : Blue ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0034496501246 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 034496501246 ItemDisplayWeight : 5 pounds ItemName : Washington Alloy 7014 Stick Electrode 5LB Package (7014 3/32") ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : arc-welding-stick-electrodes Manufacturer : Washington Alloy Co. Material : Steel NumberOfItems : 1 PartNumber : 7014 ProductDescription : E7014 is an iron powder, rutile type electrode designed to operate at higher speeds and with greater deposition efficiency than E6012 or E6013 electrodes. This electrode provides a stable arc, flat smooth bead appearance and easy slag removability. E7014 is used for all position, single-pass and multi-layer welding applications. AC or DC (straight or reverse polarity) may be used. E7014 is an all-purpose electrode used wherever the welding efficiency of E6012 or E6013 is not acceptable. Typical applications would include: ship structures, bridges, structural steels for buildings, sheet metal, ornamental iron, auto bodies and fenders, machine parts, storage tanks, etc ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2018-05-03T07:00:00.000Z SafetyDataSheetUrl : https://washingtonalloy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/sds-7024-1-carbon-steelelectrodes-2019.pdf Size : 7014 3/32" UnitCount : 80