Specification Brand : CK Worldwide BulletPoint : For use with Buderus GB142 series boilers BulletPoint1 : Pure (Green) EWP/WP BulletPoint2 : Principal Oxide: None BulletPoint3 : Non-Radioactive. Good for use in Alternating Current (A/C) for aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys in low to medium amperage applications using transformer based constant current power sources only. BulletPoint4 : Balls easy, tends to spit at higher amperages. Used for non-critical welds only. BulletPoint5 : ⚠ Check Description for Model Compatibility. Compatible With Most Ranges including JGBS66DEK1BB JGBS66DEK1WW JGBS66DEK2BB JGBS66DEK2BB JGBS66DEK2WW JGBS66DEK2WW JGBS66EEK1ES JGBS66EEK1ES JGBS66EEK2ES JGBS66FEK1DS JGBS66REK1SS JGBS66REK2SS ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0720340088581 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 720340088581 ItemName : CK T187G Pure Tungsten Electrode 1/8" X 7", 10 pack ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 2 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 13 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 11 inches ItemPackageQuantity : 10 ItemTypeKeyword : arc-welding-stick-electrodes Manufacturer : CK Worldwide PartNumber : T187G ProductDescription : Pure Tungsten forms a clean, balled end when heated and provides good arc stability for AC welding with a balanced or unbalanced squarewave or sine wave. It is composed of 99.5% Tungsten and .5% other. Materials Welded- Aluminum and Magnesium. Package of 10 ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2014-09-26T02:50:07.193Z Size : 1/8" 2 Pounds SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : unknown UnitCount : 10