Specification Brand : Lincoln Electric ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 5693671298125 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0015082019543 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 015082019543 ItemDisplayWeight : 4.55 pounds ItemName : 3/16" X 14" E6010 Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 5P Carbon Steel Electrode 50 Easy Open Can (Hermetically Sealed Container), Pack Quantity - 50 ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : arc-welding-stick-electrodes Manufacturer : Lincoln Electric ModelNumber : ED010207 NumberOfItems : 500 PartNumber : ED010207 ProductDescription : Lincoln Electric ED010207 Features: -Fleetweld 5P is a great choice for welding on dirty, rusty, greasy or painted steel -- especially in vertical or overhead applications..-LINCOLN FLEETWELD 5P.-Light slag with little slag interference for easy arc control Deep penetration with maximum admixture All-position, particularly good for vertical and overhead.. -UNSPC CODE: 23271810. -Stick Electrode - Carbon Steel Stick Electrode Carbon Steel filler metal metals electrodes (smaw) welding rod rods.-E6010 ELECT FW 5P 3/16 50HS. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2012-06-14T17:21:51.669Z SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : unknown UnitCount : 50 UnspscCode : 23271800