VL53L0X Time-of-Flight Flight Distance Measurement Sensor Breakout
Ranging measurements are available through the sensors I²C (TWI) interface, which is also used to configure sensor settings,
and the sensor provides two additional pins: a shutdown input and an interrupt output.
The VL53L0X is a great IC, but its small, leadless, LGA package makes it difficult for the typical student or hobbyist to use.
It also operates at a recommended voltage of 2.8 V, which can make interfacing difficult for microcontrollers operating at 3.3 V or 5 V.
Our breakout board addresses these issues, making it easier to get started using the sensor, while keeping the overall size as small as possible.
PIN Description
VDD Regulated 2.8 V output. Almost 150 mA is available to power external components. (If you want to bypass the internal regulator,
you can instead use this pin as a 2.8 V input with VIN disconnected.)
VIN This is the main 2.6 V to 5.5 V power supply connection. The SCL and SDA level shifters pull the I²C lines high to this level.
GND The ground (0 V) connection for your power supply. Your I²C control source must also share a common ground with this board.
SDA Level-shifted I²C data line: HIGH is VIN, LOW is 0 V
SCL Level-shifted I²C clock line: HIGH is VIN, LOW is 0 V
XSHUT This pin is an active-low shutdown input; the board pulls it up to VDD to enable the sensor by default. Driving this pin low
puts the sensor into hardware standby. This input is not level-shifted.
Package included:
3* VL53L0X Time-of-Flight Flight Distance Measurement Sensor Breakout