Specification Brand : House Brand Dentistry BulletPoint1 : 5.5'' BulletPoint2 : Hi-Level Bandage BulletPoint3 : Serrated FdaDeviceClassification : iv FdaIndicationOfUse : otc FdaInstructionsForUseType : consumer FdaLabelType : consumer ItemName : House Brand Dentistry 300232 HSB Hi-Level Bandage Dental Scissors 5.5'' Serrated ItemTypeKeyword : professional-dental-scissors Manufacturer : House Brand Dentistry NumberOfItems : 1 PartNumber : 300232 ProductDescription : The design of this scissor featuring a more streamlined tip and the placement of the bend much closer to the finger rings gives the practitioner easier access in order to fit the probe end under the bandage. The delicate serration on one blade provides enhanced control and grasp of the bandage material. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-05-14T17:08:47.577Z UnspscCode : 42241802