Specification Brand : MK Diamond BulletPoint : Kit includes tool, charger, 2 batteries^3.6V Voltage^4200 RPM BulletPoint1 : Provides good cutting speed and long blade life in abrasive materials BulletPoint2 : Design for reduced chipping and quieter operation BulletPoint3 : Fast cutting speed and long life BulletPoint4 : Dry cutting blade BulletPoint5 : Makes quick, clean cuts BulletPoint6 : Specially designed to tackle fiber cement siding Color : Green CompatibleMaterial : Stone ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 092333769402 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 413001003114 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 092337694021 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier4 : 0413001003114 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier5 : 0092333769402 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier6 : 0092337694021 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier7 : 00092333769402 IncludedComponents : Battery ItemDisplayWeight : 0.3 pounds ItemName : MK Diamond 156993 MK Plank Kutter 4" x .080" x 7/8"-20mm-5/8" ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 0.762 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 16.764 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 14.732 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : power-rotary-tools Manufacturer : MK Material : Diamond ModelName : MK Plank Kutter 4" x .080" x 7/8"-20mm-5/8" ModelNumber : 156993 NumberOfBoxes : 1 NumberOfItems : 1 NumberOfPieces : 1 PackageLevel : unit PartNumber : MKD-156993 PowerSourceType : Manual ProductDescription : FOREDOM K.2293 POWERGRAVER KIT, 115V/230V, PGX MOTOR, EMGX DIAL SPEED CONTROL, 9D HANDPIECE The PowerGraver provides a power assist to stone setting and engraving operations. It is a dedicated unit with specialized components used for Bead, Prong, Channel, Hammer and Bezel Setting, Engraving and other Decorative Work. Main Components: 1. M.PGX Motor is designed for high torque/low speed applications with permanently lubricated ball bearings for quiet trouble-free performance.? The smooth running, permanent magnet motor compes equipped standard length key-tip shaft, an extra flexible neoprene sheath and 6' long power cord. 2. H.9D Handpiece works and feels like a hand engraving tool with the added advantages of greater control and the ability to adjust the impact force. ?This collet type handpiece has a special quick disconnect that fits ONLY the M.PGX motor sheath. Comes with 1/16", 3/32", 3mm and 1/8" collets. 3. C.EMGX Dial Speed Control used to vary and set speed from off to 2,800 RPM. 4. C.FCGX On/Off Foot Switch- Momentary On. This control allows you to turn motor on and off without using the manual switch. Also Included: 32-minute instructional DVD HP10215 Carbide Stylus, AP10177P Anvil Point, Set of 4 Gravers - #52 Round, #3 Onglette, #2 Bevel, #40 Flat Flexible Shaft Grease Hand piece Oil ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2000-08-16T00:00:01-00:00 Size : Pack of 1 StreetDate : 2017-05-15T00:00:01Z Style : Compact SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable UnitCount : 1 Voltage : 230 volts