Editorial Review The Disney junior preschool series PJ masks follows the thrilling night time adventures of 3 young, 6-year-old friends Connor, Amaya and Greg, who put on their pajamas, transform into their dynamic Super hero alter egos, cat boy, owlette and gekko, and activate their magical animal amulets. .
Features 1) Includes theme song & phrases from show 2) Amulets light up! 3) Ages 3+ and up
Specification Binding : Toy Brand : Pj Masks EAN : 0886144246166 Label : Just Play Manufacturer : Just Play ManufacturerMaximumAge : 6.00 years Model : JPL24616 PackageDimensions_Weight : 1.01 pounds PackageDimensions : L:15.20 X W:7.01 X H:4.80 ProductGroup : Toy ProductTypeName : TOYS_AND_GAMES Publisher : Just Play Studio : Just Play Title : Just Play PJ Masks Feature Cat Boy Plush