KATUNA 5" X 2" Industrial Casters?Heavy Duty Casters with Strong Load-Bearing, Polyurethane on Steel Wheel,Industrial Casters (2 Pack) (5 Inch Rigid)

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Product Information

Brand : KATUNA
BulletPoint : Krowne Shelving Caster, locking wheels, 5" diameter, 220 lbs per caster load capacity, grease resistant, raises height of equipment 6" (set of 4)​‌‌​‌‌‍​​‌‌​‌‌‍​​‌‌‌​‍​​‌‌‌​‍​‌​​‌​‍​​‌‌‌‌​‍​​‌‌​‌‍​​‌‌​​‍​​‌‌‌‌​‍​‌​​‌​‍​​‌‌‌‌‍​​‌‌‌‌‍​​‌‌​​‍​​‌‌‌‌‍​​‌​‌‌‍​​​‌‌‌‍​​‌‌​​‍​​‌​‌‌‍​​‌‌‌‌​‍​​​‌‌‌‍​​‌‌‌​​‍​​​‌‌​
BulletPoint1 : The wheel is constructed from heavy-duty cast iron with a rigid top plate. It is coated with red polyurethane that is chemically bonded to the iron wheel centers. The red tread offers several benefits: it is chemically inert, non-sparking, non-conductive, impervious to ozone, grease, most oils, and solvents, and it will not leave marks on floors.
BulletPoint2 : Specifications: Heavy Duty Casters Diameter - 5", Width - 2", Top Plate - 4x 4-1/2, Overall Height - 6-1/2. These industrial casters are engineered to handle heavy loads of up to 1200 lbs per caster, making them perfect for outdoor use and transporting heavy equipment while maintaining stability.
BulletPoint3 : The swivel casters feature two ball bearings for efficient rotation and shock resistance. The cart wheels also have a user-friendly brake design, providing quiet operation and making them essential for household use.
BulletPoint4 : The caster wheels are equipped with roller bearings that enhance load capacity and durability, reduce friction resistance, allow for high speeds, and enable easy maneuvering. Changing direction is effortless with a little force. Suitable for Bakery & Food Service Equipment, Institutional Machinery, Hospitality Carts, Hospital Equipment, Laboratory Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Office Furniture, Moving Dollies, Utility & Maintenance Carts.
BulletPoint5 : KATUNA Heavy Duty Casters offer friendly customer service. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to provide you with a satisfactory resolution.
BulletPoint6 : Number of items: 15
Color : Red
Color1 : Red
Color2 : Silver
CompatibleWithVehicleType : Bicycle
ConstructionType : 1
ExteriorFinish : Alloy Steel
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 0706098260929
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 706098260929
HoleCount : 1
IncludedComponents : Polyurethane
ItemDisplayDimensions_Length : 10 inches
ItemDisplayWeight : 9 pounds
ItemName : KATUNA 5" X 2" Industrial Casters,Heavy Duty Casters with Strong Load-Bearing, Polyurethane on Steel Wheel,Industrial Casters (2 Pack) (5 Inch Rigid)
ItemOffset : 1 miles
ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 31.8 centimeters
ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 14.8 centimeters
ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 23 centimeters
ItemPackageQuantity : 1
ItemShape : Round
ItemTypeKeyword : plate-casters
LoadCapacity : 1200 pound
LoadIndex : 1
Manufacturer : KATUNA
Material : Metal
Material1 : Stainless Steel
Material2 : Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
MaximumWeightRecommendation : 1 kilograms
ModelName : Krowne Shelving Caster, Locking Wheels
ModelNumber : 5 Inch Rigid
MountingType : Plate Mount
NumberOfBoxes : 1
NumberOfItems : 2
PackageLevel : unit
PartNumber : XX-11
PitchCircleDiameter : 1 miles
ProductDescription : Heavy Duty Casters Diameter: 5", Width: 2", Top Plate: 4x 4-1/2, Overall Height: 6-1/2. These industrial casters are ideal for outdoor use, transporting heavy equipment and objects while maintaining stability, and are designed to handle heavy loads of up to 1000 lbs per caster.
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-12-02T16:00:12.635Z
Size : 5" No Brake 8pcs + Screws - Blue
SpecificUsesForProduct : 1
SpeedRating : 1
Style : 2 5In Rigid
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation1 : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation2 : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation3 : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation4 : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation5 : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1
SurfaceRecommendation : Multi-Surface
UnitCount : 2
WebsiteShippingWeight : 3.815 kilograms

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