Oh admirable Saint Anthony; made glorious by the miracles you performed and so deserving that you have held, in your arms, the Baby Jesus. Through your kind mercy, grant my most ardent petition. You, who were so merciful with sinners, please do not look at my own sins, but rather at the glory of God, which will once again be exalted, and at the salvation of my soul. I ask you this together with my plea, which I solicit with much yearning. (concentrate on your desires). Amen.
Oracion a San Antonio de Padua
Oh admirable San Antonio! Glorioso por los milagros realizados, que merecisteis tener en vuestros brazos al Niño Jesus; obtenedme de su bondad las gracias que ardientemente deseo. Vos, que fuisteis tan misericordioso con los pescadores, no miréis mis pecados, sino la gloria de Dios, que será una vez mas, ensalzada, y a la salvación de mi alma, unida a la suplica que ahora solícito con tanto anhelo. (hagase la petición). Amen.
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-05-04T22:46:06.794Z
Scent : Unscented
Scent1 : Salt
Scent2 : Wheat
Seasons : All Season
Size : 5.3 oz
SpecificUsesForProduct : Religious Activity
Style : Classic
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable
Theme : Floral
UnitCount : 1
WickQuantity : 1