Powerful St. Elias of Mount Carmel, favored by He who guides us mortals, kneeling before you I beg you to help me take all evil spirits out of my home. Saint Elijah, I beg as you have defeated the enemy that has tried to hurt the people you protect, allow me to defeat those who attempt to hurt me either material or spititually. Amen.
Poderosísimo San Elías del Monte Carmelo, varón predilecto del omnipotente guía de los mortales; arrodillado ante ti, te suplico que me ayudes a sacar de mi hogar a todas esos malos espiritus qur se hayan alojado en el. Te suplico San Elias que asi como has vencido al enemigo que ha tratado de hacer dano a las personas que tu proteges, asi pueda yo vencer a todas los que me pueden hacer dano. Amen.
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-05-12T21:26:19.785Z
Scent : Unscented
Scent1 : Lily
Scent2 : Peach
Seasons : All Season
Seasons1 : Spring
Seasons2 : Summer
Size : One Hand On Cheek Pink
SpecificUsesForProduct : Skydiving
Style : One Hand On Cheek Pink
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1
Theme : Floral
UnitCount : 1
WarrantyDescription : None.
WickQuantity : 1