Oh Most Holy Virgin Mary!, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, you were pleased to appear to the children of Fatima and reveal a glorious message. We implore you, inspire in our hearts a fervent love for the recitation of the Rosary. May we obtain the grace and virtues that we ask, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Hail Mary and Glory be. Amen.
Oh Virgen Santisomo!, Reína del mas Sagrado Rosario, vos aparecisteis a los ninos de Fátima y revelaste un glorioso mrnsaje. Imploro a ti, inspira nuestros corazones con ferviente amor para recitar el Sagrado Rosario para que podamos obtener la gracia y virtuades que pedimos a traves de los meritos de Jesucristo Nuestro Senor, Anemaria y Gloria. Amén.
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-05-11T14:37:04.573Z
Scent : Unscented
Scent1 : Lily
Scent2 : Peach
Seasons : All Season
Seasons1 : Spring
Seasons2 : Summer
Size : Large
SpecificUsesForProduct : Surfing
Style : Classic
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1
Theme : Floral
UnitCount : 1
WarrantyDescription : None.
WickQuantity : 1