Dear Virgin of Candelaria; we meet with you. Please accept our love and devotion. Mother, allow us to contemplate your virtues and teach us to imitate them so that we may be like you every day; to please Our Lord as you did and that we may live in peace and happiness and share with You the eternal Glory. Amen.
Querida Virgen de la Candelaria, nos reunimos junto a ti. Traemos nuestra devocion y nuestro carino. AceptaloMadre Nuestra, dejanos contemplar tus virtudes y ensenanos a imitarlas. Que nos parezcamos a ti cada dia mas. Para agradar al Swnor como tu lo hiciste, yvivamos asi, en paz y alegria, y lleguemos luego a compartir contigo la dicha eterna de la Gloria. Amen.
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-05-12T02:45:02.002Z
Scent : Unscented
Scent1 : Lily
Scent2 : Peach
Seasons : All Season
Seasons1 : Spring
Seasons2 : Summer
Size : One Hand On Cheek Pink
SpecificUsesForProduct : Elevator
Style : One Hand On Cheek Pink
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable
SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1
Theme : Floral
UnitCount : 1
WarrantyDescription : None.
WickQuantity : 1