Specification Brand : WeldingCity BulletPoint1 : Premium contact tip adapter/gas diffuser 169716/770402 and 169728, nozzle adapter 169729 and head tube (swan-neck) 169731 for Miller MIGmatic and Hobart H-series MIG welding guns. BulletPoint2 : Contact tip adapter 169716 (770402) for use with Miller 100-150 Amp MIGmatic MIG welding gun M-10/M-15 (M-100/M-150) in welders Millermatic 130, 130XP, Challenger, 172, 185, Pulser, DVI, DVI2, etc. Also fits Hobart MIG welding gun H-series H-9/H-10. BulletPoint3 : Contact tip adapter/gas diffuser 169728 and nozzle adapter 169729 for use with MIGmatic MIG welding gun M-25 and M-40 and Hobart H-series. BulletPoint4 : Head tube (swan-neck gun tube) 169731 for use with MIGmatic 100 - 250 Amp M-25 MIG welding guns. BulletPoint5 : U.S. based welding and hardware supplier. Strong technical support with experienced customer service to address buyer's any question. Refer to your MIG welding gun user manual for selection of correct parts. Color : Brown|brown ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 799491549227 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0799491549227 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 00725636090118 IncludedComponents : body ItemDisplayWeight : 5.4 ounces ItemLength : 144 inches ItemName : WeldingCity MIG Welding Gun Head Tube (Goose-neck) 169731 for 100-250A Miller MIGmatic M-25 M-25M MIG Guns ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 0.7 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 6 inches ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 5 inches ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : mig-welding-equipment Manufacturer : WeldingCity.com Material : Copper ModelName : ZlxJJYYxvkbgs13y4 ModelNumber : ZlxJJYYxvkbgs13y4 NumberOfItems : 1 NumberOfPieces : 1 PartNumber : CVI169731-1PK Pattern : 169731 ProductDescription : Premium contact tip adapter/gas diffuser 169716/770402, 169728, nozzle adapter/diffuser retainer 169729 and head tube 169731 for Miller and Hobart MIG welding guns. 169716 contact tip adapter/gas diffuser for use with MIG welding gun M-10/M-15 (M-100/M-150) in Miller welders such as MIGmatic/Millermatic 130, 130XP, Challenger, 172, 185, Pulser, DVI, DVI2, etc. Also fits Hobart MIG welding gun H-9/H-10 series. 169728 and 169729 for use with MIG welding gun M-25 and M-40 and Hobart H-series. 169731 conductor tube (swan-neck) for use with many Millermatic 200A - 250A M-25 MIG welding gun. Refer to your MIG welding gun user manual for selection of correct parts. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2014-01-15T21:38:53.643Z Size : 169731, 1-pk Style : 10Pcs 220718 Unshielded Nozzle SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1 UnitCount : 1 UnspscCode : 27110000