Specification Brand : Spinewise BulletPoint1 : ⟦IMMEDIATE BENEFITS w/ TRIGGER POINT THERAPY & MYOFASCIAL RELEASE TECHNIQUES⟧ Alleviate muscle tightness and lactic acid build up, Increase Blood Circulation aiding recovery and reducing inflammation, Improve Range of Motion and Flexibility by breaking up muscle knots and adhesions allowing the joints to move more freely, Post-Workout Recovery, Pain Relief. BulletPoint2 : ⟦CONVENIENT & PORTABLE⟧ Massage balls are small and portable, making them convenient for use at home, in the office, or even while traveling. Their compact size allows for targeted massage of various body parts. BulletPoint3 : ⟦COST EFFECTIVE SELF-CARE⟧ Relatively inexpensive compared to professional massage therapy sessions. They offer a cost-effective way for individuals to perform self-massage and manage muscle tension in the comfort of your own home. BulletPoint4 : ⟦HIGH QUALITY⟧ Made with non-toxic, high-grade silicon. Perfect hardness that is required to provide therapeutic benefits. THIS IS NOT A TOY. BulletPoint5 : ⟦EFFECTIVE FOR VARIOUS MUSCULOSKELETAL ISSUES⟧ For people suffering from Sciatica, Plantar Fascitis, Headaches, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Muscle Spasm, Piriformis Syndrome, IT Band, Neuropathy. Color : Stone CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 860010794616 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0860010794616 IsCordless : 1 ItemName : Spinewise - Massage Therapy Ball for Myofasical Release, Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Muscle Knots, Muscle Tension, Pain Relief and Recovery (Stone) ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 7.1882 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 5.9944 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 6.1976 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : manual-massage-balls Manufacturer : Spinewise MassagerForm : massage_ball MassageTherapyTechnique : rolling Material : Plastic ModelNumber : TB-1 PartNumber : TB-1 PowerSourceType : Manual ProductBenefit : Ball used for many therapeutic benefits ProductDescription : Experience a cost effective way to take care of yourself. These therapy balls were designed by a licensed Chiropractor who assigns their patients exercises to help with pain relief and maintain a functional approach to their daily lives. Benefits include: Muscle Tension Relief, Increase Blood Circulation, Improved Range of Motion and Flexibility, Stress Reduction. ProductGrade : Home ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-12-21T08:00:00.000Z Size : 5 Piece Set Style : Modern SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable TargetUseBodyPart : hands UnitCount : 1 WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant