Specification BatteriesIncluded : 1 BatteriesRequired : 1 Brand : Rollit Therapy BulletPoint1 : Soft myofacial, deep tissue release massage balls, 2.75" diameter (about the size of a tennis ball). Soft rubber, but because it is not hollow, it will provide resistance to pressure. BulletPoint2 : Each pair comes with a convenient mesh sack and booklet with suggestions and ideas of how to use the balls. BulletPoint3 : Easy to use, a must-have selfcare tool for breaking up adhesions and easing muscular discomfort BulletPoint4 : Convenient to be used anywhere, can easily fit in your luggage. BulletPoint5 : 【Social Responsibility Commitment】: Vaerm is more than a massager brand; it actively engages in social responsibility activities. By supporting mental health advocacy organizations, the brand is committed to creating a peaceful, caring environment in society, pursuing a better life together with its users. CareInstructions : Hand Wash Color : Green Directions : Hold the Baoding balls in one hand. Rotate the balls clockwise and counter-clockwise within your palm. Repeat the process with the other hand. ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 8781939959219 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 720260447420 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 720260447369 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 0720260447420 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier4 : 0720260447369 FcShelfLife : 40 days Hazmat1 : LITHIUM ION BATTERIES PACKED WITH EQUIPMENT Hazmat10 : CN_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat11 : DE_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat12 : EG_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat13 : ES_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat14 : FR_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat15 : GB_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat16 : IN_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat17 : IT_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat18 : JP_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat19 : MX_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat2 : UN3481 Hazmat20 : NL_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat21 : PL_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat22 : SA_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat23 : SE_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat24 : SG_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat25 : TR_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat26 : US_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat27 : ZA_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat3 : II Hazmat4 : 9 Hazmat5 : AE_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat6 : AU_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat7 : BE_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat8 : BR_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment Hazmat9 : CA_SmallLithiumIonBatteryWithEquipment IsCordless : 1 IsExpirationDatedProduct : 1 ItemDisplayWeight : 1 pounds ItemName : Rollit Therapy Pair of 2.75 inch (Intermedius) Soft Rubber Massage Balls ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 15.5 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 6.9 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 8 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : manual-massage-balls Manufacturer : Rollit Therapy MassagerForm : massage_ball MassageTherapyTechnique : rolling Material : Rubber Material1 : Jade Material2 : Quartz Material3 : Stone ModelNumber : Massage Ball-A NumberOfItems : 1 NumberOfLithiumIonCells : 1 PartNumber : Vaerm-71 PowerSourceType : 不适用 ProductBenefit : Muscle Therapy ProductDescription : The Intermedius massage balls measure 2.75 inches in diameter and are soft. They are about the size of a tennis ball. Healthy living through self-massage. Using patience and gentle pressure these delightful little massage balls made of soft rubber can ease their way into the soft tissue of the body. Breaking up adhesions and helping tight or tense muscles to let go, the Rollit Therapy Balls are a must-have for anyone interested in self-care. Great for deep tissue work and for myofacial release. Each pair comes with a booklet to help get you started. It contains a few ideas of where you can roll out the soft tissue and how to go about it. ProductExpirationType : Shelf Life ProductGrade : Home ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2019-09-22T07:00:00.000Z SafetyWarning : Please do not roll down from a height. Size : 2.5 Inch SpecificUsesForProduct : Myofascial Style : Modern SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1 TargetUseBodyPart : whole_body UnitCount : 10 WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant