Editorial Review My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The film - which stars the voice actors Noriko Hidaka, Chika Sakamoto, and Hitoshi Takagi - tells the story of the two young daughters (Satsuki and Mei) of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize and the Mainichi Film Award for Best Film in 1988.
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Specification Binding : Toy Brand : ensky EAN : 4970381143176 Label : Japan VideoGames Manufacturer : Japan VideoGames ManufacturerMaximumAge : 15.00 years Model : 1000-215 PackageDimensions_Weight : 1.63 pounds PackageDimensions : L:11.50 X W:8.82 X H:2.05 ProductGroup : Toy ProductTypeName : TOYS_AND_GAMES Publisher : Japan VideoGames Studio : Japan VideoGames Title : Ensky Ensky My Neighbor Totoro Sleeping on Tree Jigsaw Puzzle (1000 Pieces) 1000-215 Puzzle