Specification Brand : WEP BulletPoint1 : WEP X-3 Pyrography Station Dual Pen Holder is ONLY Compatible with WEP 939-III / 939D-II Wood Burning Station BulletPoint2 : If you are unsure about compatibility with your current WEP station, you can reach our technical support via the Buyer-Seller Messaging System and we will help confirm for you. BulletPoint3 : Thia Pyrography Station Dual Pen Holder is covered by our exclusive 1-year USA technical support, with 24-hour assistance from our dedicated team. Please drop us a message at the Buyer-Seller Messaging System if you have any queries with this product. ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 6974443670998 HeatingElementType : Ceramic ItemName : WEP X-3 Pyrography Station Dual Pen Holder ONLY Compatible with WEP 939-III / 939D-II Wood Burning Station ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 15.9004 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 7.8994 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 8.7122 centimeters ItemTypeKeyword : soldering-irons Manufacturer : GUANGZHOU JIESAIWEI TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Material : wood ModelName : WEP X-3 Pen Holder ModelNumber : WEP X-3 Pen Holder PartNumber : WEP X-3 Pen Holder ProductDescription : WEP X-3 Pyrography Station Dual Pen Holder for WEP 939-III / 939D-II Wood Burning Station ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-01-03T02:54:52.201Z Style : Pencil SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable UnitCount : 1