Specification Amperage : 20 amps Brand : adorne BulletPoint1 : Upgrade your kitchen, bathroom or wet bar outlets with an adorne GFCI BulletPoint2 : GFCIs protect you from serious injury due to electric shock and are required by National Electrical Code in kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor locations. BulletPoint3 : This item performs an automatic test every three seconds —preventing the unsafe condition of power without protection. SafeLock Protection disconnects power to the outlet if components are damaged and protection is lost. BulletPoint4 : 20A versions are not commonly used. 20 amp outlets generally needed if plugging in high amprage appliances. BulletPoint5 : Tamper-resistant shutters protects children by preventing the improper insertion of foreign objects BulletPoint6 : 10 HP Rating Color : Magnesium CompatibleDevices : Desktop CompatibleDevices1 : Smartphone CompatibleDevices2 : Tablet ConnectorType : Plug-In CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 9154198778362 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 785007052633 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0785007052633 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 0030878320771 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier4 : 00030878320771 IncludedComponents : Surge protection ItemName : Tamper-Resistant GFCI, 20A ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 15.1892 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 5.588 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 9.4996 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemShape : Square ItemTypeKeyword : ground-fault-circuit-interrupter-outlets Manufacturer : Legrand Material : Thermoplastic ModelName : Wall Plate ModelNumber : AGFTR2202M4 NumberOfItems : 10 PackageLevel : unit PartNumber : AGFTR2202M4 ProductDescription : Select an adorne tamper-resistant self-test GFCI to extend this unique look to every inch of your kitchen and bathroom. Wall plate not included. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2016-05-26T19:51:09.232Z Size : Standard Outlet SpecificationMet : UL Style : Standard 20 Amp SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable TotalPowerOutlets : 2 UnitCount : 1 Voltage : 120 volts