Janxyv Reflexology Socks with Trigger Point Massage Tool, Acupressure Socks for Women and Men Foot Massage Socks, Acupuncture Socks Pressure Point and Tool,Relief Remedy for Foot Massage(Women)

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Product Information

Brand : Janxyv
BulletPoint1 : GODEN PAIR3: Perfect partners for manual foot massage. According to medical foot reflection point, our reflexology socks are printed with reflexology charts on every sides【Sole, Instep, and Ankle】. Elevate your foot massage experience by precisely pressing key acupressure points using our massage pen or mini triangle massage stick.
BulletPoint2 : MATERIALS & SIZE: Our massage socks are made of durable high elastic cotton, ensuring a comfortable fit throughout the year. Neither too thin nor too thick, they provide optimal comfort. The socks have two sizes, one size for men and another for women. The acupressure pen and pressure point massage tool are crafted from natural resin, giving them a smooth, delicate, and visually appealing appearance.
BulletPoint3 : EASY TO USE: Our foot massage tool set is designed for simplicity. The reflexology tool allows for easy single-handed operation. To use, simply slip on the socks, hold the massagers in the most convenient posture for you, and gently press the acupoints according to the charts printed on the socks. Adjust the pressure from gentle to firm according to your preference.
BulletPoint4 : Good Function: these acupressure reflexology socks with massage stick sets can help you relieve foot fatigue, the socks are printed with acupuncture points chart, when you put them on, it can be more convenient for you to massage the soles of your feet, the massage tools have 2 different specifications and can give you different use effects
BulletPoint5 : Package Include: Upgraded foot reflexology tool set, inlcuds: 1 acupressure Pen, 1 wing-shaped massager and 1 pair of socks for men/1 pair of socks for women.
Color : Women
CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging
Directions : Fill the machine with water, add the provided materials, and operate according to the settings.
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 628004144041
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 737934868399
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 0737934868399
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier4 : 0628004144041
IsCordless : 1
IsElectric : 1
ItemForm : foams
ItemName : Janxyv Reflexology Socks with Trigger Point Massage Tool, Acupressure Socks for Women and Men Foot Massage Socks, Acupuncture Socks Pressure Point and Tool,Relief Remedy for Foot Massage(Women)
ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 5.9 inches
ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 1.9 inches
ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 0.79 inches
ItemPackageQuantity : 1
ItemTypeKeyword : electric-foot-massagers
Manufacturer : Janxyv
MassagerForm : foot_massager_machine
Material : Wood
Material1 : Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Material2 : Sta
ModelNumber : LINKE001
PartNumber : LINKE001
PowerSourceType : Corded Electric
ProductBenefit : Immune Support
ProductDescription : reflexology socks with tools acupressure socks reflexology socks acupressure socks with tool reflexology socks with massage tool acupuncture socks acupuncture socks and tool massage socks reflexology chart socks foot reflexology socks pressure point socks foot massage socks zen reflex socks foot massage sock guide reflexology sock kit reflexology socks with trigger point massage tool reflexology sock acupressure reflexology socks massage socks for feet therawell reflexology massage socks pressure point socks with tool accupressure socks acusocks reflexology chart socks foot massager socks reflexology socks with tools women reflexology chart socks for women massaging socks foot pressure point socks byriver acupressure foot massage slippers foot reflexology socks and tool foot pressure point massager reflexology slippers acupressure reflexology socks with tools reflexology socks set foot massage sock acupuncture reflexology socks socks with trigger point massage reflexology socks for women reflexology sock and tool massaging socks for women massage socks women socks with pressure points foot reflexology sock acupressure socks reflexology reflexology socks foot massage socks accupoint socks renoheal reflexology socks set acupuncture slippers for men welnax reflexology socks acupuncture shoes reflexology socks foot sock massager for feet accupuncture massage massage stick for women acupoint socks pressure point massage socks the reflexology manual acupoint socks + massage sticks reflexology socks with pressure points acupuncture socks with massage stick byriver reflexology pressure point foot massage mat slides sandals point relief broman reflexology socks with trigger point massage tool massage sock tourmaline slimming health sock accupressure massage sock massage map reflexology socks with tool acupressure reflexology foot massage socks reflexology socks and tool pressure point sock
ProductGrade : Professional
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-04-15T10:17:48.798Z
SafetyWarning : Cardiac Pacemaker or other electrical implant users, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use the product. People undergoing radiation or chemotherapy should consult with a doctor before using the product and may want to do the ionic detox two days away from the cancer treatment. Drinking plenty of water is recommended.
Size : Starter
SpecificUsesForProduct : foot bath
Style : Modern
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : unknown
SupplierDeclaredHasProductIdentifierExemption : 1
TargetUseBodyPart : feet
UnitCount : 1
WaterResistanceLevel : waterproof

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