Specification Brand : Healcity BulletPoint1 : 1.Dual Ionic Detox Foot Bath Machine: This detox foot machine can work for 2 people at the same time BulletPoint2 : 2.This Foot Detox Cell Cleanse Negative Hydrogen Machine has two large LCD display screens (9x4.5cm) BulletPoint3 : 3.Foot Spa Chi Cleanse Cell Detoxification function: Normally we suggest you use it twice a week, after using 12 times, you will feel very clearly, feel very good and full of energy BulletPoint4 : 4. Far infrared waist bands: It has three modes, low middle and high, you will feel the temperature of the waist band BulletPoint5 : 5.Detox Ion Ionic Aqua Foot Bath Spa Chi Cleanse Cell Detoxification Machine Warranty: Our item has one year warranty for un-manmade problems. For any problems, please let us know freely, we will resolve it for you soon. Color : Blue CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging Directions : 1. Fill the foot bucket with water and add salt. 2. Place feet on the arrays. 3. Adjust the temperature of the waist band. 4. Use the machine twice a week for optimal results. ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 737838775151 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0737838775151 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 605646784507 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier4 : 0605646784293 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier5 : 0605646784507 ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier6 : 0605646783463 IsCordless : 1 ItemName : Healcity Ionic Detox Foot Bath Machine Christmas Gift Birthday Gift for Parents Foot Detox Ionic Machine Foot Spa Aqua Cell Cleanse Negative Hydrogen System (All Orignal Accessories Included) ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 49.784 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 16.764 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 44.704 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 1 ItemTypeKeyword : electric-foot-massagers Manufacturer : Thinkcenter MassagerForm : foot_spa_massager MassageTherapyTechnique : vibration Material : Plastic Material1 : Plastic Material2 : Rubber ModelName : Leg Massager for Circulation ModelNumber : RF-ALM070 PackageLevel : unit PartNumber : HC-F12-BLUE PowerSourceType : Corded Electric ProductBenefit : detox ProductDescription : Relaxing yourself by ionic detox foot bath This ionic foot bath fit for dual user, it doesn't only promoting relationship with your family and friend, but also getting a more healthy body at the same time.Can enhance immune system,balance blood sugar,balance blood pressure,arthritis aches, rheumatoid,improve memory and sleep,significant pain relief,help weight reduction,reduce constipation.
Input voltage: 115V/230V Fuse:266°F Power:100w Protection rank:IP51 Working Procedure:Continuous working Output voltage:0-15V Output current:0-2.5A
Package Contents:
1x Foot Bath Machine 2x Arrays 2x Folable foot bucket 2x Wrist bands 2x Waist Belt 1x Power line 1x Spoon 10x Plastic bag 1x Storgae case
Please note that pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers, people with a type of implanted electromagnetic device, organ transplant recipients and children under 8 years old must not use this machine. People who have hypoglycemia need to feed themselves before using.
ProductGrade : Home ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2022-08-22T10:17:28.260Z SafetyWarning : Pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers, people with implanted electromagnetic devices, organ transplant recipients, and children under 8 years old must not use this machine. People who have hypoglycemia need to feed themselves before using. Size : B3-Normal SpecificUsesForProduct : Arthritis, Rheumatoid Style : detox machine with foot buckets SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation1 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation2 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation3 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation4 : not_applicable SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation5 : not_applicable TargetAudienceKeyword : Unisex-adult TargetUseBodyPart : feet TargetUseBodyPart1 : feet TargetUseBodyPart2 : legs UnitCount : 1 UnspscCode : 53131700 WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant