Specification Binding : Health and Beauty Brand : DOCTOR LIFE Color : 02. a Pair of Leg Extension Zippers IsAdultProduct : false Label : DAESUNG MAREF CO., LTD. Manufacturer : DAESUNG MAREF CO., LTD. Model : ABCD PackageDimensions_Weight : 0.39903669422 PackageDimensions : L:17.699999981946 X W:4.099999995818 X H:1.199999998776 PartNumber : LEGEXT ProductGroup : Health and Beauty ProductTypeName : PERSONAL_CARE_APPLIANCE Publisher : DAESUNG MAREF CO., LTD. Size : 1. Legs (L) SmallImage_Height : 75 SmallImage_URL : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31Vhd4VXBIL._SL75_.jpg SmallImage_Width : 75 Studio : DAESUNG MAREF CO., LTD. Title : DOCTOR LIFE Leg Attachments - A Pair of Leg Extension Zippers (for L) Weight : 0.4 WeightUnit : pounds