The MF5700 features cost effective ultra-low power operating on 4 AA batteries. The portable design has excellent exchangeable mechanical adaptors, easy data accessible and user programmable capabilities. The internal data storage can also help for many industrial on-site applications. The meters can be customized for various general purpose flow applications. LCD output is included along with an optional RS485 output.
Technical specifications
All specifications listed in the following table unless otherwise noted apply for calibration conditions at 20°C and 101.325 kPa absolute pressure with air. The product is horizontally mounted at calibration.
Full scale flow range and Connection (DN: pipe inner diameter)
MF5708 : 0~100 L/min.
DN (mm): 8.0.
Mechanical Connection: NPT 3/8”
Mechanical connection (G-BSPP or N-NPT), NPT is used in North America, the default delivery configuration.
Accuracy: +/- (2.0+0.5FS) %
Repeatability: 0.5 %
Turn‐down ratio: 80:1
Response time: <2.0 sec
Working temperature:‐10~55 °C
Maximum pressure:0.8 Mpa
Power supply:4‐AA batteries (LR6) / 5~24 Vdc
Power / data interface:USB Type‐C
Digital output:RS485 Modbus half‐duplex
Display: LCD
Resolution:0.01 L/min (instant) / 1 L (accumulated)
Storage temperature:‐20 ~ 70 °C
Reference conditions:20°C, 101.325 kPa, air
Fluid compatibility:Non‐corrosive
CE:EN61326‐1; ‐2; ‐3
Power and data cable description
Wire Color Definition
1 Red Power supply (5~24 Vdc)
2 Black GND, ground
3 Green RS485A
4 White RS485B