Editorial Review The Aile Strike Gundam from the animated TV series, Gundam Seed, re-appears as a new member of the SD EX-Standard line. Featuring newer proportion to allow for full bodied limbs and more articulation, the Aile Strike is ready to recreate its iconic poses in a cute way.
Features 1) Featuring newer proportion to allow for full bodied limbs and more articulation, the Aile Strike is ready to recreate its iconic poses in a cute way! 2) Includes beam rifle, beam saber, Aile Striker backpack and shield. Runner x 5, sticker, Instruction Manual 3) Approximately 3 Inch tall
Specification Binding : Toy Brand : Bandai Hobby Color : multi-colored EAN : 4543112967282 Label : Bluefin Distribution Toys Manufacturer : Bluefin Distribution Toys ManufacturerMaximumAge : 16.00 years Model : BAN196728 PackageDimensions_Weight : 0.31 pounds PackageDimensions : L:8.27 X W:5.98 X H:2.13 ProductGroup : Toy ProductTypeName : TOYS_AND_GAMES Publisher : Bluefin Distribution Toys Size : 8" Studio : Bluefin Distribution Toys Title : Bandai Hobby SD EX-Standard Aile Strike Gundam Action Figure