Editorial Review Covers streams, beaver ponds, lakes and sloughs. Explains methods using body grip traps, foothold traps and snares. "Trap shy" beaver, slide wires, anchoring, stabilization, lure, bait, and much, much more. Beginners produce beaver the first night using these methods.
Features 1) Covers streams, beaver ponds, lakes and sloughs. 2) Explains methods using body grip traps, foothold traps and snares. 3) Trap shy beaver, slide wires, anchoring, stabilization, lure, bait, and much, much more. 4) Beginners produce beaver the first night using these methods.
Specification Binding : Electronics Brand : DakotaLine Label : DakotaLine Manufacturer : DakotaLine Model : LYSB00XAFAMA0-CMPTRACCS ProductGroup : CE ProductTypeName : BLANK_MEDIA Publisher : DakotaLine Studio : DakotaLine Title : DVD - Charles L. Dobbins & Wayne Freebersyser - Open Water Beaver