Editorial Review An animated television series featuring six year-old Sofia, a young girl who, as her mother marries the King, suddenly finds herself on the path to royalty. With the help of the three familiar fairies in charge of the Royal Training Academy - Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, Sofia learns that looking like a princess isn't all that hard but behaving like one must come from the heart and what makes a real princess is what's inside, not what's outside.
Features 1) Product Includes: Dress with cameo 2) Sofia The First (Disney Junior) 3) Officially Licensed Product
Specification Binding : Toy Brand : Disguise ClothingSize : 3T-4 Color : Multi Department : girls EAN : 0039897994932 Label : Disguise Costumes - Toys Division Manufacturer : Disguise Costumes - Toys Division ManufacturerMaximumAge : 4.00 years Model : 99493M PackageDimensions_Weight : 0.50 pounds PackageDimensions : L:14.50 X W:12.70 X H:0.90 ProductGroup : Toy ProductTypeName : CHILDRENS_COSTUME Publisher : Disguise Costumes - Toys Division Size : Medium/3T-4T Studio : Disguise Costumes - Toys Division Title : Disguise Next Chapter Classic Sofia The First Disney Junior Costume, Medium/3T-4T