Specification Brand : Generic BulletPoint1 : 100% Brand New BulletPoint2 : Brand:Smart Weld BulletPoint3 : 15 ft AWG 4 Welding Ground Cable w/ 500A Clamp fit Lincoln Weld Pak 125HD WeldPak 125 HD 11632 Welder BulletPoint4 : Attention: Due to the existence of multiple versions of Lincoln's Weld Pak 125HD welder, please check and verify that your welder's code number is 11632 before making a purchase. The code number for Lincoln welders can be found on the number plate of the welder and is a 5-digit code. ItemName : 15 ft AWG 4 Welding Ground Cable w/ 500A Clamp fit Lincoln Weld Pak 125HD WeldPak 125 HD 11632 Welder ItemTypeKeyword : welding-cable Manufacturer : Kooben Technology USA Inc ModelNumber : 15 ft AWG 4 PartNumber : 15 ft AWG 4 ProductDescription : 15 ft AWG 4 Welding Ground Cable w/ 500A Clamp fit Lincoln Weld Pak 125HD WeldPak 125 HD 11632 Welder ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2023-08-31T20:14:05.789Z Size : 15 UnspscCode : 23271813