Specification Brand : TechnologyLK ItemName : Tight-Joint Silver Brazing Alloy with Cadmium, 1" W x 0.010" Thick - 1.6 Ft ItemTypeKeyword : brazing-rods Manufacturer : TechnologyLK Material : Alloy ProductDescription : Tight-Joint Silver - For ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys. Also for induction brazing (using electrical current to create localized heat). Meets Fed. Spec. QQB-654A and AWS specifications. Brazing is a metal-joining process, using a filler metal in place of standard solder. Brazing makes bonds that are stronger than a solder on materials that welding would melt. These brazing alloys join most metals and alloys except aluminum and magnesium. Perfect for fastening tips to tools. Composition Percentage: Ag: 45 Cu: 15 Zn: 16 Cd: 24 Note: Ag = Silver, Cu = Copper, Zn = Zinc, Cd = Cadmium, and Ni = Nickel Melting Temperature: 1125° - 1145° F Width: 1 " Thickness: 0.010" Length: 1.6 Ft Weight: 1 Troy-oz. Additional Information: Prices may fluctuate with the cost of silver. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2013-01-16T16:25:07.365Z