Flitz Instant Calcium, Rust & Lime Remover Gallon (Part #Cr 01610 By Flitz)

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Product Information

Brand : Flitz
BulletPoint : Manufacturer: Fresh Products
BulletPoint1 : Concentrated organic acid cleaner
BulletPoint2 : Cleans away soap scum, body oils, fats and dirt
BulletPoint3 : Can be used to clean most surfaces such as walls, floors, tubs, showers, sinks etc
BulletPoint4 : Removes stubborn soap scum and many other soils
BulletPoint5 : Pleasant lemon scent
Capacity : 1 pounds
ContainsLiquidContents : 1
CustomerPackageType : Standard Packaging
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 4121344569346
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier1 : 009235421314
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier2 : 0009235421314
ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier3 : 00732009753136
FcShelfLife : 730 days
IsExpirationDatedProduct : 1
ItemForm : Spray
ItemForm1 : Liquid
ItemForm2 : Spray
ItemName : Flitz Instant Calcium, Rust & Lime Remover Gallon (Part #Cr 01610 By Flitz)
ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 5 inches
ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 7.4 inches
ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 15.5 inches
ItemPackageQuantity : 1
ItemTypeKeyword : household-lime-and-rust-removers
ItemVolume : 1 gallons
LiquidVolume : 640 fluid_ounces
Manufacturer : Flitz
MeltingTemperature : 150 degrees_fahrenheit
ModelNumber : FRS24DIFCT
NumberOfItems : 1
PartNumber : ZXC-CR 01610cwe
ProductDescription : Instant Calcium, Rust & Lime Remover - Gallon Refill . C.R.L means clean, reveal, and luster! Do it the right way with this deposit killing organic formula. One spray then polish away with Calcium, Rust & Lime Remover! Quickly and easily removes even the crustiest of stains, deposits and build-up. Made of organic salt, it is safer and easier to use than traditional cleaners. Recommended for removal of hard water spots and rust stains. Use On: .Glass . Plastic & Acrylics . Aluminum . Fiberglass . Tile . Stainless Steel . Brass . Copper . Painted Surfaces . Enamel finishes . Instantly Removes: .Hardwater Spots . Encrusted Calcium/Lime Deposits . Heavy Green Tarnish . Heavy Oxidation . Rust . Corrosion . Grease . Oil . Water Stains . Soap Scum Build-up . Not for: Chrome, Marble, some Granite, Jura, Travertine & Terrazzo .
ProductExpirationType : Expiration On Package
ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2016-04-08T15:09:13.485Z
SafetyDataSheetUrl : https://content.oppictures.com/Master_Images/Master_PDF_Files/FRS24DIFCT_SDS.PDF
Scent : Lemon
Size : 1 Gallon (Pack of 1)
SpecificUsesForProduct : Toilet
SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : unknown
SurfaceRecommendation : Toilet
SurfaceRecommendation1 : Plastic
SurfaceRecommendation2 : Metal
SurfaceRecommendation3 : Fiberglass
UnitCount : 128

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