Specification Brand : Therasentials BulletPoint1 : Wood Therapy Massage Tools 8-in-1, Lymphatic Drainage, Anti Cellulite, Body Sculpting Tools, Cupping, and Gua sha Tools for Anti Aging. Therasentials, the essentials for total body wellness. Develped by a licnesed Medical Massage Therapist. BulletPoint2 : Celulite roller and whole body massager- very good for breaking up cellulite and massaging the whole body. Please see pamphlet inside the box, also scan the QR code for video tutorials. BulletPoint3 : Lymphatic drainage board- this tool is really good for Lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage is excellent for elimiating excess fluid and toxins in the body. Please follow instructions on the pamphlet and videos. BulletPoint4 : Massage roller- this tool is feels great on the legs, glutes and back. BulletPoint5 : Trigger point tool- used for trigger points or knots of tension. Place tool over knot and press for a few seconds until the knot releases. BulletPoint6 : Body roller- very relaxing and stress relieving. Can be used on the legs, back and neck. See pamphlet and vidoes for visual instructions. BulletPoint7 : Body Gua sha tool- a traditioanl chinese medicine practice that elimates toxins from the body as well as helps sculpt the body. BulletPoint8 : Cupping tool - is used to release points of tension from the body. Very good for blood flow, circulation and tension release. BulletPoint9 : Face gua sha tool- very good for sculpting the face as well as eliminating excess fluid from the face. Please see instructional pamphlet and videos for more examples. Color : Wood ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 00198168083444 ItemName : Wood Therapy Massage Tools 8-in-1, Lymphatic Drainage Massager, Maderoterapia Kit - Anti Cellulite Complete Body Sculpting Tools for Total Relaxation & Relief - Massager Tool for Anti Aging ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 41.8 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 7.8 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 26.5 centimeters ItemTypeKeyword : manual-back-massagers Manufacturer : Therasentials Material : Wood PartNumber : TA-008 ProductDescription : Wood Therapy Massage Tools 8-in-1, Lymphatic Drainage, Anti Cellulite, Body Sculpting, Cupping, and Gua sha Tools for Anti Aging. Therasentials, the essentials for total body wellness. Developed by a licnesed Medical Massage Therapist. Manual and Video turorials included with purchase. ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-04-08T17:01:20.630Z SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable TargetUseBodyPart : legs UnitCount : 8