Specification Brand : Generise BulletPoint1 : ✅ EFFECTIVE - The Generise acupressure mat and pillow set helps relieve both physical and mental stress. Simply by lying on it, thousands of acupressure points will stimulate nerves, accelerate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, relieving headaches, back, neck, shoulder, and sciatic pain, improving sleep, circulation, mood, and energy levels. BulletPoint2 : ✅ ANCIENT INDIAN HEALING - Originated from ancient India, the pincushion has long been used for body relaxation, and it can produce endorphins that effectively relieves pain. Over 5000 ergonomically engineered spikes can activate your body’s innate healing response, providing you professional massage experience. BulletPoint3 : ✅ VERSATILE - Well-equipped Set & Comprehensive treatment】Equipped with an acupressure mat and a pillow massage set, you can lie on your stomach or back or sit with your legs outstretched and let the spiked nodules work their amazing reflexology magic. Immediate back and neck pain relief could be easily achieved in as little as 20 minutes per day. BulletPoint4 : ✅ ECO FRIENDLY - Being made of skin-friendly cotton fabric and environmentally friendly 18D high-density foam, Our Acupressure Mat is ABS non-toxic plastic, 100% natural BulletPoint5 : ✅ PORTABLE - Our Acupressure mat includes a handy carrying bag with adjustable shoulder strap, making it convenient to take anywhere. You can use it at home, carry it to your office, the gym or even beside the sea, to enjoy 10-15 minutes of relaxing music or practise your deep breathing. Enjoy the good life anytime, anywhere. Color : Clear ExternallyAssignedProductIdentifier : 5056444624789 FcShelfLife : 365 days IncludedComponents : Battery ItemName : Acupressure Mat Generise Accupressure Body Mat and Pillow Set for Men & Women - Back, Neck and Muscle Pain Relief - Includes Travel Bag with Adjustable Strap (Blue with White Spikes) ItemPackageDimensions_Height : 44.79 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Length : 17.4 centimeters ItemPackageDimensions_Width : 29.6 centimeters ItemPackageQuantity : 12 ItemTypeKeyword : manual-back-massagers Lifestyle : Beauty Manufacturer : Generise Material : Plastic Material1 : Plastic Material2 : Rubber ModelName : Brinmomp-AJK001 ModelNumber : ACi_HJAMACUP NumberOfBoxes : 1 NumberOfItems : 1 OperationMode : Automatic PartNumber : ACi-HTCP PowerSourceType : Not ProductDescription : Acupressure Mat Generise Accupressure Body Mat and Pillow Set for Men & Women - Back, Neck and Muscle Pain Relief - Includes Travel Bag with Adjustable Strap (Blue with White Spikes) ProductExpirationType : Does Not Expire ProductSiteLaunchDate : 2024-01-18T14:27:39.596Z RecommendedUsesForProduct : Face, Neck SafetyWarning : NO Size : Multi SkinType : All Style : Vacuum Cup Loose Set with Blue Gun SupplierDeclaredDgHzRegulation : not_applicable TargetAudienceKeyword : acupressure TargetAudienceKeyword1 : Women TargetAudienceKeyword2 : Girls UnitCount : 1 UnspscCode : 52120000